How to lose thigh fat?

How to lose thigh fat

Inner thigh: How to lose thigh fat and tone it? The inner thigh is one of the critical points that we women find it hardest to fight. Having slim and toned legs without inflating the muscles too much is possible if you choose the right workouts.

One of the leading causes of the accumulation of fat in the inner thigh area is to be found in the lack of promptness of the adductor muscles. They are muscles that are not stressed by the movements we do daily and need specific training.

Training cannot be separated from a correct and balanced diet.

Unfortunately, reducing the thigh is a goal that we can only achieve with commitment and perseverance, as there are no miraculous methods that can help us do it quickly.

Diet to reduce the inner thigh

Needless to say, if we want to lose weight, we have to go through a diet, which does not mean eating little and starving but simply eating healthy and making the proper calorie intake. There is no localized weight loss, and we cannot decide where to store or remove the fat. But we can always choose how much fat to supply to our body. It is often said that a clean diet is enough, but what does that mean? You have to get most of your daily calories from low-calorie, nutrient-rich food sources.

What to eat to reduce the inner thigh: How to lose thigh fat

Greenlight therefore to:

  • Wholemeal bread and pasta, rich in fiber to help eliminate waste
  • Lots of water or liquids, even in the form of herbal teas and infusions
  • Fruits and vegetables, rich in vitamins and antioxidants
  • Lean proteins such as white meat, fish, and eggs. But also legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, beans… have a good protein intake with little fat
  • Low-fat dairy products. Calcium helps regulate the way fat cells store and break down fat.

Foods that cause accumulation of fat inside the thigh

It’s about using common sense and adopting the healthiest and most balanced diet possible. we need to reduce as much as possible:

  • Alcohol and sugary and carbonated drinks
  • Fried, fatty, or heavily seasoned foods
  • Excessive use of salt. Always keep in mind the quantity that is often hidden in packaged foods.

Aesthetic tips to reduce the inner thigh

Combining weight loss with some aesthetic tricks can help you have that extra something to make your legs proof of shorts. Smooth, toned skin can enhance your legs. And it is not even necessary to spend too much. Small household tricks are enough.

Inner thigh massage: How to lose thigh fat

The best massage for the inner thigh is done by the beautician and is the connective tissue massage. If you look at the skin in that area, you will notice that it often has an unsightly wavy appearance. This is because the deepest layer of the skin has a fibrous consistency and can form adhesions. With this type of massage, which is based on slow and intense manipulations and pressure, the skin becomes tighter. However, the homemade self-massage is also very valid.

Inner thigh scrub: How to lose thigh fat

The scrub helps to remove dead cells and gives the skin a brighter and more compact appearance. A coffee exfoliating scrub is easy to make and inexpensive. It will help you reduce unsightly skin defects caused by cellulite. The energizing effect of caffeine will be a natural cure-all. Mix all the ingredients, apply it on your buttock and proceed with circular massages and from the bottom up. You can store the scrub in an airtight glass jar. It will last you a few weeks. To prepare it, you need:

  • 1/2 cup of dry coffee grounds.
  • One glass of brown sugar.
  • 1/2 glass of olive oil.
  • One teaspoon of ground cinnamon.
  • 1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg.

Inner thigh exercises

Every woman dreams of a toned and slender inner thigh, you know. Often it goes a little further, longing for the famous space between the thighs. However, always keep in mind that it is not so much the bodyweight that matters as much as the width of the hips. Women with wide hips have more spaced legs which allow you to get this space more easily.

However, it is possible to improve the general appearance of the thighs, giving them tone and slimming them. Adductors are the first muscles that tend to fail and need to be trained constantly to avoid relaxation. Physical activity to reduce the inner thigh goes through three fundamental steps:

Cardio to combat fat deposits

Which serves to burn calories and reduce excess fat. Streamlining is the first step to improve the appearance of the thighs. Cardio, incredibly, if not too intense, also reduces cellulite.

Specific inner thigh exercises

Bar-type or Pilates-inspired exercises are great for reducing and toning the inner thigh. They give the muscle a toned but also tapered appearance without stretching the muscles too much.

Stretch for slender legs

The final step is the extra touch that allows us to stretch the muscles to give us slim and tapered legs.
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